April 28, 2009
New York State and Yonkers Revise Withholding Tables
Filed under: News
Vision Payroll

Effective May 1, 2009, revised withholding tables are in effect for the New York State personal income tax and the Yonkers resident personal income surcharge tax for certain taxpayers. Vision Payroll will be using the revised tables for all payrolls after April 30, 2009. These changes are required by recent law changes. There are no changes to the New York City personal income tax rates or the Yonkers nonresident earnings tax rate. The revisions are in accordance with the new rules promulgated in Publication NYS-50-T.1, Revised New York State and Yonkers Withholding Tax Computation Rules. Employers are advised that Form IT-2104, Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate, has also been revised to reflect the changes and employers should encourage impacted taxpayers to complete the revised form to prevent under-withholding. Contact Vision Payroll if you have any questions on these changes.


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