This week’s question comes from Michelle, a small business owner. I have not had to pay Massachusetts HICA tax all quarter. Now I have to pay it with the last payroll of the quarter. Why do we have to pay Massachusetts HICA tax this payroll? Answer: The Massachusetts Unemployment Health Insurance Quarterly Contribution (HICA) is required when the average employee count is six or greater for a quarter. Employers must pay contributions on the first $14,000 of each employee’s covered wages during the calendar year. The amount of the contribution is derived by multiplying these wages by an assigned rate. The health insurance contribution rate is 0.12% for most subject employers. Employers operating within two calendar years following the newly subject status pay at rates of 0.04% and 0.08% respectively. Contact Vision Payroll if you have any further questions.
September 18, 2009
Question of the Week: Why Do We Have To Pay Massachusetts HICA Tax This Payroll?
Filed under: News
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