Depending on where your business operates, you may be faced with familiar seasonal weather dangers or be challenged on the spot with an unexpected force, or forces, of nature.
Every Management Team Should Answer These Questions About Workplace Disaster Emergencies
- Do we need to implement an Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)?
- What will be the impact of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Heat Safety Tool app?
- What information do we need to collect in order to develop an effective workplace disaster emergency plan?
- Which health and safety developments will unfold over the next few months?
Learn How to Prepare Effectively for Workplace Disaster Emergencies
To learn the answers to these questions and much more, be sure to listen to Preparing for Workplace Disaster Emergencies in this month’s HRCast, a recording provided by our team of HR Pros and available exclusively on MyHRSupportCenter.
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