The California Employment Development Department (EDD) recently released the 2012 UI, ETT, and SDI rates. An historical compilation of prior year rates is available in Form DE 3395. 2012 UI, ETT, and SDI Rates The UI rate schedule in effect for 2012 is Schedule “F+.”...
California Releases California Employer’s Guide 2012 (DE 44)
The California Employment Development Department (EDD) has announced the release of the California Employer’s Guide 2012 DE 44 Rev. 38 (the Guide). The Guide is published to help employers understand their rights and responsibilities. Information Presented in...
Vermont Minimum Wage to Increase to $8.46 January 1, 2012
The Vermont Department of Labor announced recently that pursuant to Title 21 of the Vermont Statutes, Annotated §384, the minimum wage for the state of Vermont will increase from $8.15 to $8.46 per hour effective January 1, 2012. The law requires an adjustment to the...
IRS Announces Adjustments to SIMPLE Plan Limits for 2012
In IR-2011-103, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced cost-of-living adjustments to the limits on SIMPLE plan contributions for 2012. The limitation for SIMPLE plans is codified in §408(p)(2)(E) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (IRC). This section also...
IRS Announces 2012 Retirement Plan Contribution and Compensation Limitations
In IR-2011-103, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced that for 2012 the compensation limitation will increase from $245,000 to $250,000 under §401(a)(17), §404(l), §408(k)(3)(C), and §408(k)(6)(D)(ii) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (IRC). 2012...
Question of the Week: What Are the 2012 Highly Compensated Employee Limits?
This week’s question comes from Carla, a company president. Carla asks: We’re doing some compensation planning for next year. What are the 2012 Highly Compensated Employee Limits? Answer: The IRS has just released updated information for 2012. IRS Releases 2012 Highly...
Tip of the Week: Social Security Administration Announces 2012 Increases
The Social Security Administration announced today that the Maximum Taxable Earnings or Social Security Wage Base would increase from $106,800 in 2011 to $110,100 in 2012. Social Security Increases Based on CPI Change Since there was a 3.6% increase in the Consumer...
Arizona Minimum Wage to Increase to $7.65 Effective January 1, 2012
The Labor Department of the Arizona Industrial Commission announced recently that pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes §23-363, the minimum wage for the state of Arizona will increase to $7.65 per hour effective January 1, 2012. The law requires an adjustment to the...
Florida Minimum Wage Increases to $7.67 Effective January 1, 2012
The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity announced recently that pursuant to the Florida Constitution, the minimum wage for the state of Florida would increase from $7.31 per hour to $7.67 effective January 1, 2012. Adjustment Must Be Calculated Annually The law...
North Dakota Unemployment Wage Base to Increase to $27,900 for 2012
The Job Service North Dakota has announced an increase in the taxable wage base for 2011. The wage base will increase from $25,500 for 2011 to $27,900 for 2012. Annual Increase Is Mandated by Law This amount is set annually and is 70% of a statewide average wage. Find...
Montana Minimum Wage Increases to $7.35 Effective January 1, 2012
The Montana Department of Labor and Industry announced recently that pursuant to Montana Code Annotated 39-3-409, the minimum wage for the state of Montana would increase from $7.35 per hour to $7.65 effective January 1, 2012. Adjustment Must Be Calculated Annually...
Washington Minimum Wage to Increase to $9.04 January 1, 2012
The Washington State Department of Labor & Industries announced recently that pursuant to Initiative 688, the minimum wage for the state of Washington would increase from $8.67 to $9.04 per hour effective January 1, 2012. The law requires an adjustment to the...
Ohio Minimum Wage to Increase to $7.70 per Hour for 2012
The Ohio Department of Commerce announced recently that, effective January 1, 2012, the minimum wage for the state of Ohio will increase to $7.70 per hour for non-tipped employees and $3.85 for tipped employees. Minimum Wage Applies to Employers That Gross More than...
Oregon Minimum Wages Increases to $8.80 for 2012
Brad Avakian, Commissioner of the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries, announced recently that, effective January 1, 2012, the minimum wage for the state of Oregon will increase to $8.80 per hour. Measure 25 Mandates Annual Adjustments As a result of Measure 25,...
Nevada Unemployment Wage Base to Decrease to $26,400
The Employment Security Division of the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation has announced an decrease in the taxable wage base for 2012. Wage Base Decreases for Second Consecutive Year The wage base will decrease from $26,600 for 2011 to...
Iowa Decreases Unemployment Rates, but Raises Wage Base for 2012
Iowa Workforce Development has announced that the 2012 unemployment rates will be based on Table 4; 2011 rates are based on Table 3. As a result, employers will see approximately $96 million in tax savings and the average rate will fall from 2.8% in 2011 to 2.4% in...
Wyoming Unemployment Wage Base to Increase to $23,000
Director Joan K. Evans of the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services has announced a increase in the taxable wage base for 2012. $700 Increase More Offsets Last Year’s Decrease The wage base will increase from $22,300 for 2011 to $23,000 for 2012. Find Out the Wage...
New Hampshire Unemployment Wage Base to Increase for 2012
The New Hampshire Department of Employment Security has announced an increase in the taxable wage base for 2012. The wage base will increase from $12,000 for 2011 to $14,000 for 2012. Third Consecutive Year the Wage Base Has Increased This is the third consecutive...
Vermont Wage Base to Increase for 2012
Pursuant to legislation passed in 2010, the taxable wage base in Vermont will increase for 2012. The wage base will increase from $13,000 for 2011 to $16,000 for 2012. Third Consecutive Annual Increase This is the third consecutive year that the wage base will...
New Jersey Unemployment Wage Base to Increase To $30,300
The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development has announced the wage base for New Jersey unemployment insurance, temporary disability insurance, and family leave insurance will increase from $29,600 for 2011 to $30,300 for 2012. 2012 Rate Year Rates...
Rhode Island Changes 2012 Unemployment Taxable Wage Base Calculation
As part of the recently enacted fiscal-year 2012 state budget (article 4), Rhode Island changed the way in which the unemployment taxable wage base is calculated in §28-43-7 of the General Laws in C. 28-43. 2012 Will Be the First Year the New Formula Is Used Beginning...
NJ Lowers Unemployment Tax Rates for 2012 Rate Year
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie recently signed into law A-3819 (S-2730), which reduces the unemployment tax rates that employers would have otherwise had to pay during the 2012 rate year (July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012). The rates will increase, however, from...
Washington Unemployment Wage Base to Increase to $38,200
The Washington Employment Security Department has announced an increase in the taxable wage base for 2012. The wage base will increase from $37,300 for 2011 to $38,200 for 2012. Find Out the Wage Base for All States by Visiting the Vision Payroll Unemployment Taxable...
IRS Releases 2012 Inflation Adjustments for Health Savings Accounts
The Internal Revenue Service recently released Rev. Proc. 2011-32 which contained the 2012 inflation adjusted amounts for Health Savings Accounts or HSAs. Deductions Limitation Set to Increase The annual limitation on deductions will increase from $3,050 in 2011 to...
New Mexico Governor Martinez Vetoes Higher Unemployment Tax Rates
On April 8, 2011, Governor Susana Martinez vetoed portions of HB 59. The portion vetoed would have changed the contribution schedule from a floating schedule for 2012 to Schedule 3. Schedule 3 Seen as Counter-Productive According to Governor Martinez, “I do not...
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