Are you planning an end-of-year bonus payroll for employees? With only five weeks left in 2013, now is the time to schedule any additional payrolls you need. Schedule Separate Pay Runs for Bonuses Many employers like to distribute bonus checks at a firm party or...
Question of the Week: How Much Time Do We Need to Process a Bonus Payroll?
This week’s question comes from Abby, a company vice-president. We’re planning to give out bonuses to our employees. How much time do we need to process a bonus payroll? Answer: Vision Payroll recommends that you schedule bonus payrolls as soon as possible. You’ll...
Question of the Week: How Do We Change Our Payroll Schedule for 2010?
This week’s question comes from Suzanne, a payroll administrator. We reviewed the calendar for 2010 and realized we need to make some changes to our payroll schedule. How do we change our payroll schedule for 2010? Answer: You should have received or will shortly be...
Question of the Week: Do I Have to Pay Employees for Holidays?
This week’s question comes from Ryan, a small-business owner. We’re going to be closed next Monday for Labor Day. We have some full-time employees and some part-time employees. Do I have to pay employees for holidays? Answer: There is no requirement in the Fair Labor...
Tip of the Week: Schedule Additional Bonus Payrolls Now
Are you planning an end-of year bonus payroll for employees? With only four weeks left in 2008, now is the time to schedule any additional payrolls you need. Many employers like to distribute bonus checks at a firm party or get-together. If the bonus checks are...
Question of the Week: Do I Need to Pay Overtime for Holiday Hours?
This week’s question comes from Felix, a payroll manager: I have an employee who worked 34 hours last week. Since we pay eight hours for Independence Day even though we don’t work, do I need to pay two hours of overtime? Answer: Nothing in the Fair Labor Standards Act...
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