Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as the Affordable Care Act Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare, most employers are required to provide one of two notices to all...
Use DOL Online Tool to Determine if Your Company Is Subject to the FLSA
Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare, most employers are required to provide one of two notices to all employees. Guidance was provided to employers by the US Department of Labor (DOL) in Technical...
Employee Notice of Coverage Options Need Not Be Provided To Dependents
Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare, most employers are required to provide one of two notices to all employees. Guidance was provided to employers by the US Department of Labor (DOL) in Technical...
Question of the Week: Can We Deliver Our Notices of Coverage Options by E-Mail?
This week’s question comes from Heather, an HR director. Heather asks: I know that we our required to deliver our Obamacare notices (Notice to Employees of Coverage Options under Fair Labor Standards Act §18B) by October 1, 2013. Can we deliver our Notices of Coverage...
Tip of the Week: Deadline Looms for Notice To Employees of Coverage Options
Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare, most employers are required to provide one of two notices to all employees. Guidance was provided to employers by the US Department of Labor (DOL) in Technical...
Question of the Week: How Will the Provisions of Obamacare Impact my Business in 2014?
This week’s question comes from Stephen, a small-business owner. Stephen asks: I know that some provisions of Obamacare will impact my business starting 2014. How will the provisions of Obamacare impact my business in 2014? Answer: There are many provisions of The...
Question of the Week: What Is the Additional Medicare Tax?
This week’s question comes from Savannah, a corporate controller. Savannah asks: Some of our employees are asking us about the Additional Medicare Tax and when we will start withholding it. What is the Additional Medicare Tax? Answer: The Additional Medicare Tax was...
IRS to Present Webinar on Reporting of Employer Healthcare Coverage on Form W-2
Today at 2 pm, EDT, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will present a webinar titled, Reporting of Employer Healthcare Coverage on Form W-2 Several Topics to Be Covered in Form W-2 Webinar The Reporting of Employer-Sponsored Health Plan Coverage on Form W-2...
Question of the Week: Do We Have to Report Health Insurance on Our W-2s?
This week’s question comes from Maria, an HR director. Maria asks: I keep hearing from our employees that we have to report the cost of health insurance on the Forms W-2 this year and that the employees will be taxed on it. Do we have to report health insurance on our...
Massachusetts Releases Employer-Provided Health Care Benefits Update
The Massachusetts Department of Revenue (DOR) has released Technical Information Release (TIR) 11-5, Employer-Provided Health Care Benefits Update. This TIR updates TIR 07-16, Personal Income Tax Treatment of Employer-Provided Health Insurance Coverage for an...
Question of the Week: Have the Expanded Form 1099 Reporting Requirements Been Repealed?
This week’s question comes from Lindsay, an office manager. I read before that businesses were going to have expanded Form 1099-MISC reporting requirements starting in 2012. Now I’ve heard that these requirements may have been repealed. Have the expanded Form 1099...
California Clarifies Tax Treatment of Health Care Coverage of Adult Children
The California Employment Development Department (EDD) has released a clarification to the original guidance provided on the tax treatment of health care coverage extended to adult children. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Requires Extension up to Age 26...
Question of the Week: Why Don’t My Massachusetts Wages Equal My Federal Wages on My W-2?
This week’s question comes from Jordan, a company controller. For most employees in our company, the Massachusetts wages reported on the Form W-2 equal the federal wages on the Form W-2. My Massachusetts wages, however, are higher than my federal wages. Why don’t my...
Question of the Week: How Do We Determine the Cost of Health Insurance to Report on Form W-2?
This week’s question comes from Katy, an HR administrator. We know we need to capture the cost of health coverage and report it on Form W-2, starting in 2011. How do we determine the cost of health insurance to report on Form W-2? Answer: Employers are required to use...
Question of the Week: How Does Health Care Reform Affect Reimbursements for Over-the Counter Medicines in FSAs?
This week’s question comes from Eric, an HR manager. I know there are changes to flexible spending arrangements (FSAs) because of health care reform. How does health care reform affect reimbursements for over-the-counter medicines in FSAs? Answer: The Patient...
Tip of the Week: Reporting Health Insurance Costs on Form W-2 Does not Affect Taxability
Many employers are aware of the new requirement under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), soon to be implemented, that an employer’s health insurance costs be included on an employee’s Form W-2. Reporting Health Care Costs on Form W-2 Does NOT Make...
Question of the Week: Are Health Insurance Costs Required To Be Reported on Form W-2?
This week’s question comes from Beverly, a small-business owner. We pay health insurance costs for our employees. I heard there was a change in reporting health insurance costs under the new law. Are health insurance costs required to be reported on Form W-2? Answer:...
Tip of the Week: New IRS Guidance on the New Health Care Tax Credit
As one of the health care reform provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), a tax credit is available to help offset the employer health care cost of offering employee benefits. On May 17, 2010, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) provided...
Health Care Law Expands Form 1099 Reporting Requirements
The recently enacted Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (the Act) will expand information reporting requirements starting in 2012. §9005 of the Act amends §6041 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (IRC) so that payments to corporations that were previously...
Nursing Mothers Now Entitled to Breaks under FLSA
Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, employers must provide a nursing mother a reasonable break time to express breast milk for up to one year after her child’s birth. There is no quantified limit on the number of breaks to be allowed or the...
Question of the Week: How Does Health Care Reform Affect the Taxation of Children’s Health Insurance Coverage?
This week’s question comes from Kim, an HR director. We have employees who maintain coverage on their health insurance policy for children, including some children who are not dependents. We have always included the cost of this coverage in our employees’ income. How...
Tip of the Week: The Impact of Health Care Reform on Small Businesses
On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, landmark legislation reforming health care in the US. While this newly enacted law will affect healthcare insurance coverage for millions of workers, many companies are...
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