This week’s question comes from Andrea, an HR director. We hired an employee who qualified for the HIRE Act Incentives, including payroll tax forgiveness. We had to lay him off temporarily and don’t know if he still qualifies under his previous layoff or if he needs...
Question of the Week: Can We Still Claim a HIRE Act Credit for the Second Quarter?
This week’s question comes from Phil, a small-business owner. We just realized that one of our employees who we hired in April is eligible for the HIRE Act Credit. Can we still claim a HIRE Act credit for the second quarter? Answer: Under the Hiring Incentives to...
Replacing Employees Who Are Terminated for Poor Performance Under the HIRE Act
Under the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (HIRE Act), employers who hire certain unemployed workers are exempt from certain employment taxes. In order to qualify under the HIRE Act, the wages must be paid by a qualified employer “with respect to...
Replacing Employees Who Are Terminated for Gross Misconduct Under the HIRE Act
Under the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (HIRE Act), employers who hire certain unemployed workers are exempt from certain employment taxes. In order to qualify under the HIRE Act, the wages must be paid by a qualified employer “with respect to...
Replacing Employees Who Voluntarily Terminate Employment Under the HIRE Act
Under the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (HIRE Act), employers who hire certain unemployed workers are exempt from certain employment taxes. In order to qualify under the HIRE Act, the wages must be paid by a qualified employer “with respect to...
Hiring Self-Employed Individuals and Claiming the HIRE Credit
Under the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (HIRE Act), employers who hire certain unemployed workers are exempt from certain employment taxes. In order to qualify under the HIRE Act, the wages must be paid by a qualified employer “with respect to...
Resuming Active Status Under the HIRE Act
Under the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (HIRE Act), employers who hire certain unemployed workers are exempt from certain employment taxes. In order to qualify under the HIRE Act, the wages must be paid by a qualified employer “with respect to...
“Begin Employment” Under the HIRE Act
Under the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (HIRE Act), employers who hire certain unemployed workers are exempt from certain employment taxes. In order to qualify under the HIRE Act, the wages must be paid by a qualified employer “with respect to...
Qualifying Wages Under the HIRE Act
Under the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (HIRE Act), employers who hire certain unemployed workers are allowed not to pay certain employment taxes. In order to qualify under the HIRE Act, the wages must be paid by a qualified employer “with respect to...
Question of the Week: How Does the HIRE Act Affect Employees’ Future Social Security Benefits?
This week’s question comes from Sean, an HR director. We are in the process of hiring some employees who would allow us to claim exemption from paying the employer’s share of social security taxes because of the HIRE Act. Some employees are hesitant due to the impact...
Tip of the Week: Employers May Elect to Have HIRE Act Exemption Not Apply
Under the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (HIRE Act), employers who hire certain unemployed workers are allowed not to pay certain employment taxes. Employers who claim the exemption under the HIRE Act may not claim the Work Opportunity Tax Credit with...
HIRE Act Exemption Begins March 19, 2010
Under the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (HIRE Act), employers who hire certain unemployed workers are allowed not to pay certain employment taxes. Exempt wages are those paid “with respect to employment during the period beginning [March 19, 2010] and...
Many Employers Eligible for HIRE Act Exemption
Under the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (HIRE Act), employers who hire certain unemployed workers are allowed not to pay certain employment taxes. Most employers are eligible for this exemption. According to the HIRE Act, a “qualified employer” is any...
Certain Replacement Employees Not Eligible for HIRE Act Credit
Under the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (HIRE Act), employers who hire certain unemployed workers are allowed not to pay certain employment taxes. Employees are not eligible under the HIRE Act if the employee is “employed by the qualified employer to...
Certain Relatives Not Eligible for HIRE Act Credits
Under the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (HIRE Act), employers who hire certain unemployed workers are allowed not to pay certain employment taxes. Under the HIRE Act, certain related individuals as described in §51(i)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code of...
Question of the Week: How Do We Know if an Employee Qualifies Us for the New Payroll Tax Credit for Hiring Unemployed Workers?
This week’s question comes from Donna, an HR Director. I read how we can get a payroll tax credit for hiring unemployed workers. How do we know if an employee qualifies us for the new payroll tax credit for hiring unemployed workers? Answer: The Internal Revenue...
Tip of the Week: Jobs Bill to Provide Tax Relief to Employers
HR 2847, An Act making appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, and Science, and Related Agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2010, and for other purposes, was passed by Congress and sent to President Barack Obama who indicated he will...
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