This week’s question comes from Carl, a small-business owner. Carl asks: I have several questions about my responsibilities, my obligations, and the measures I should take related to the COVID-19 pandemic. How Should Employers React To COVID-19 (Coronavirus)? Answer:...
Question of the Week: How Can I Answer My Employees’ Questions About the I-9?
This week’s question comes from Kate, an office manager. Kate asks: When we ask new hires to complete the I-9, they often have questions about the form. How can I answer my employees’ questions about the I-9? Answer: Form I-9, Employment Eligibility...
Question of the Week: Can We Deliver Our Notices of Coverage Options by E-Mail?
This week’s question comes from Heather, an HR director. Heather asks: I know that we our required to deliver our Obamacare notices (Notice to Employees of Coverage Options under Fair Labor Standards Act §18B) by October 1, 2013. Can we deliver our Notices of Coverage...
Question of the Week: How Will the Provisions of Obamacare Impact my Business in 2014?
This week’s question comes from Stephen, a small-business owner. Stephen asks: I know that some provisions of Obamacare will impact my business starting 2014. How will the provisions of Obamacare impact my business in 2014? Answer: There are many provisions of The...
Question of the Week: When Will the New Form I-9 Be Available?
This week’s question comes from Allen, an HR Director. Allen asks: We have been using the Form I-9 that expired last August. We’re uncomfortable using an expired form. When will the new Form I-9 be available? Answer: The US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)...
Question of the Week: Why Did My Paycheck Go Down in 2013?
This week’s question comes from Courteney, an office manager. Courteney asks: I just received my first 2013 paycheck and it is a lot less than my last check from 2012. Why did my paycheck go down in 2013? Answer: The biggest impact most employees will see is the...
Question of the Week: Where Can I Get the New Form I-9?
This week’s question comes from Amy, an office manager. Amy asks: We just used the new paperless onboarding when we hired a new employee. The Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, said that it expired on 8/31/2012. When we clicked the link on...
Question of the Week: What Is the Additional Medicare Tax?
This week’s question comes from Savannah, a corporate controller. Savannah asks: Some of our employees are asking us about the Additional Medicare Tax and when we will start withholding it. What is the Additional Medicare Tax? Answer: The Additional Medicare Tax was...
Question of the Week: How Can Vision Payroll Help Us Recruit Employees?
This week’s question comes from Natalie, an HR director. Natalie asks: We are looking to hire some more employees, but need some help locating talented candidates. How can Vision Payroll help us recruit employees? Answer: Vision Payroll has partnered with My...
Question of the Week: What Is the Holiday Schedule for 2012?
This week’s question is from Herman, an HR Manager. Herman asks: We are reviewing our payroll processing schedule for 2012. What is the holiday schedule for 2012? Answer: There are two types of holidays: those on which payrolls are processed and those on which...
Question of the Week: Why Did I Receive a Notice Titled “Your 2012 Federal Tax Deposit Requirements for Form 941”?
This week’s question comes from Brad, a company owner. Brad asks: I recently received a notice from the IRS. Why did I receive a notice titled “Your 2012 Federal Tax Deposit Requirements for Form 941”? Answer: The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) sends this notice to...
Question of the Week: Do We Have to Report Health Insurance on Our W-2s?
This week’s question comes from Maria, an HR director. Maria asks: I keep hearing from our employees that we have to report the cost of health insurance on the Forms W-2 this year and that the employees will be taxed on it. Do we have to report health insurance on our...
Question of the Week: What Are the 2012 Highly Compensated Employee Limits?
This week’s question comes from Carla, a company president. Carla asks: We’re doing some compensation planning for next year. What are the 2012 Highly Compensated Employee Limits? Answer: The IRS has just released updated information for 2012. IRS Releases 2012 Highly...
Question of the Week: Do We Need to Include Bonuses in Overtime Calculations?
This week’s question comes from Sylvia, a payroll manager. Sylvia asks: We have employees who worked overtime this past week and received bonuses. Do we need to include bonuses in overtime calculations? Answer: The bonuses may or may not have to be included in the...
Question of the Week: What Are the IRS and DOL Doing About Workers Who Receive 1099s?
This week’s question comes from Steve, a small business owner. Steve asks: I’ve read about the Voluntary Classification Settlement Program (VCSP) and its application process with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). What are the IRS and Department of Labor (DOL) doing...
Question of the Week: How Do I Apply for the VCSP?
This week’s question comes from Allan, a small-business owner. Allan asks… I read about the Voluntary Classification Settlement Program (VCSP). I have some workers who might need to be classified as employees. How do I apply for the VCSP? Answer: Employers may use...
Question of the Week: If We Don’t Have Employees Who Are Union Members, Do We Need to Post the Employee Rights Notice Posting?
This week’s question comes from Carl, a company owner. Carl asks… I heard there is a new poster about union rights. Our workplace is nonunion. If we don’t have employees who are union members, do we need to post the employee rights notice posting? Answer: Employers...
Question of the Week: What Are the Updated Standard Industry Fare Level Rates?
The Standard Industry Fare Level (SIFL) rates for the second half of 2011 were published by the Transportation Department…
Question of the Week: Can You Tell Me More About HR Compliance Services?
This week’s question comes from John, an HR director. I read about HR On-Demand previously and would like more information. Can you tell me more about HR Compliance Services? Answer: HR Compliance Services is one of three great HR solutions that Vision Payroll offers...
Question of the Week: Can You Tell Me More About HR On-Demand?
This week’s question comes from Beth, a company owner. I read about HR On-Demand previously and would like more information. Can you tell me more about HR-On Demand? Answer: HR On-Demand is one of three great HR solutions that Vision Payroll offers its customers. The...
Question of the Week: How Can I Get an Updated Handbook?
This week’s question comes from Eileen, an office manager. I read about your handbook wizard application, but we already have a handbook that hasn’t been updated in several years. How can I get an updated handbook? Answer: Vision Payroll offers three levels of HR...
Question of the Week: How Is Our Massachusetts DUA Experience Rate Determined?
This week’s question comes from Josh, a company owner. We’re paying more in state unemployment tax this year than we have in the past. Even though we didn’t lay anyone off, our DUA experience rate increased from last year. How is our Massachusetts DUA experience rate...
Question of the Week: How Does the Connecticut Tax Law Change Affect My Withholding?
This week’s question comes from Sean, a company president. Connecticut has passed an income tax increase retroactive to January 1, 2011. How does the Connecticut tax law change affect my withholding? Answer: The Connecticut Department of Revenue Services has issued...
Question of the Week: What Is a Qualifying Person for a Dependent Care FSA Reimbursement?
This week’s question comes from Eileen, an office manager. I read that one of the tests for an expense to qualify for reimbursement by a dependent care flexible spending arrangement (FSA) is that the care must be for one or more qualifying persons. What is a...
Question of the Week: What Are the Tests for Reimbursement of Expenses by a Dependent Care FSA?
This week’s question comes from Brent, an HR Director. I read about employees being reimbursed through a dependent care flexible spending arrangement (FSA) for summer camp costs and need more information. What are the tests for reimbursement of expenses by a dependent...
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