Minimum Wage Chart

Federal $7.25
Alabama None
Alaska 9.75
Arizona $8.05
Arkansas $8.00
Arkansas (effective 1/1/17) $8.50
California $10.00
Colarado $8.31
Connecticut 9.60
Connecticut (effective 1/1/2017) 10.10
District of Columbia $10.50
District of Columbia (effective 7/1/2016) $11.50
Florida $8.05
Georgia $5.15
Hawaii $8.50
Hawaii (effective 1/1/17) $9.25
Hawaii (effective 1/1/18) $10.10
Idaho $7.25
Illinois $8.25
Indiana $7.25
Iowa $7.25
Kansas $7.25
Kentucky $7.25
Louisiana None
Maine $7.50
Maryland $8.25
Maryland (effective 7/1/16) $8.75
Maryland (effective 7/1/17) 9.25
Maryland (effective 7/1/18) 10.10
Massachusetts $10.00
Massachusetts (effective 1/1/17) $11.00
Michigan $8.50
Michigan (effective 1/1/17) $8.90
Michigan (effective 1/1/18)) $9.25
Minnesota $9.00
Minnesota (effective 8/1/16) $9.50
Mississippi None
Missouri $7.65
Montana $8.05
Nebraska $9.00
Nevada $8.25
New Hampshire $7.25
New Jersey $8.38
New Mexico $7.50
New York $9.00
North Carolina $7.25
North Dakota $7.25
Ohio $8.10
Oklahoma $7.25
Oregon $9.25
Pennsylvania $7.25
Puerto Rico $7.25
Rhode Island $9.60
South Carolina None
South Dakota $8.55
Tennessee None
Texas $7.25
Utah $7.25
Vermont $9.60
Vermont (effective 1/1/17) $10.00
Vermont (effective 1/1/18) $10.50
Virginia $7.25
Washington $9.47
West Virginia $8.75
Wisconsin $7.25
Wyoming $5.15
The current hourly minimum wage and next scheduled or recently enacted increase are listed for federal purposes under the Fair Labor Standards Act or FLSA, each state, and Puerto Rico. Exceptions for certain job types, worker classifications and small employers may apply and differ by state so check your state law for more details. The higher of the federal or state hourly minimum wage generally applies to most workers. The chart is updated as information becomes available and is generally current, but may not necessarily reflect all changes.

*Nevada has a minimum wage of $7.25 for employees who receive qualified health benefits from their employers.

Contact Vision Payroll for more information.

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