The standard mileage rates for the use of automobiles beginning January 1, 2013 will be 56.5 cents per mile for business miles driven and 24 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes the Internal Revenue Service announced in Notice 2012-72 and News Release...
IRS Increases Standard Mileage Rate to 55.5 Cents per Mile
The standard mileage rates for the use of automobiles beginning July 1, 2011 will be 55.5 cents per mile for business miles driven and 23.5 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes the Internal Revenue Service announced in Announcement 2011-40 and News...
Tip of the Week: IRS Increases Standard Mileage Rate to 51 Cents per Mile
The standard mileage rates for the use of automobiles beginning January 1, 2011 will be 51 cents per mile for business miles driven and 19 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes the Internal Revenue Service announced in Revenue Procedure 2010-51 and News...
Tip of the Week: IRS Reduces Standard Mileage Rate to 50 Cents per Mile
The standard mileage rates for the use of automobiles beginning January 1, 2010 will be 50 cents per mile for business miles driven and 16.5 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes the Internal Revenue Service announced in Revenue Procedure 2009-54...
Question of the Week: How Much Can We Reimburse Employees for Automobile Expenses?
This weeks question comes from Barry, a business owner. We have always provided several employees with company cars. Now we plan to reimburse them for business use of their personal cars. How much can we reimburse employees for automobile expenses? Answer: As...
IRS Decreases 2009 Mileage Rate to 55 Cents per Mile
The standard mileage rates for the use of automobiles beginning January 1, 2009 will be 55 cents per mile for business miles driven and 24 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes, the Internal Revenue Service announced yesterday in IR-2008-131. The new...
IRS Increases Mileage Rate to 58.5 Cents per Mile
The standard mileage rates for the use of automobiles beginning July 1, 2008 will be 58.5 cents per mile for business miles driven and 27 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes, the Internal Revenue Service announced June 23 (IR-2008-82; Announcement...
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