According to the California Employment Development Department (EDD), employers in the counties of Kings, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Inyo, & San Diego directly affected by the winter storms may request up to a 60-day extension of time from EDD to file their State...
Kern, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Luis Obispo, & Tulare County Employers May Request 60-Day Extension
According to the California Employment Development Department (EDD), employers in the counties of Kern, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Luis Obispo, & Tulare directly affected by the winter storms may request up to a 60-day extension of time from EDD to...
Tuolumne County Employers May Request 60-Day Extension
According to the California Employment Development Department (EDD), employers in the county of Tuolumne directly affected by the winter storms may request up to a 60-day extension of time from EDD to file their State payroll reports and/or deposit State payroll taxes...
San Diego County Employers May Request 60-Day Extension
According to the California Employment Development Department (EDD), employers in the county of San Diego directly affected by the massive stockpile of highly explosive materials may request up to a 60-day extension of time from EDD to file their State payroll reports...
Calaveras County Employers May Request 60-Day Extension
According to the California Employment Development Department (EDD), employers in the county of Calaveras directly affected by the severe storms may request up to a 60-day extension of time from EDD to file their State payroll reports and/or deposit State payroll...
San Bernardino County Employers May Request 60-Day Extension
According to the California Employment Development Department (EDD), employers in the county of San Bernardino directly affected by the City of Barstow contaminated drinking water supply may request up to a 60-day extension of time from EDD to file their State payroll...
California Announces 2011 UI, ETT, and EDI Rates
The California Employment Development Department (EDD) recently released the 2011 UI, ETT, and SDI rates. An historical compilation of prior year rates is available in Form DE 3395. 2011 UI, ETT, and SDI Rates The UI rate schedule in effect for 2011 is Schedule “F+.”...
Placer County Employers May Request 60-Day Extension
According to the California Employment Development Department (EDD), employers in the county of Placer directly affected by the Roseville fire may request up to a 60-day extension of time from EDD to file their State payroll reports and/or deposit State payroll taxes...
Imperial County Employers May Request 60-Day Extension
According to the California Employment Development Department (EDD), employers in the county of Imperial directly affected by the storm may request up to a 60-day extension of time from EDD to file their State payroll reports and/or deposit State payroll taxes without...
Kern County Employers May Request 60-Day Extension
According to the California Employment Development Department (EDD), employers in the county of Kern directly affected by the fires may request up to a 60-day extension of time from EDD to file their State payroll reports and/or deposit State payroll taxes without...
San Mateo County Employers May Request 60-Day Extension
According to the California Employment Development Department (EDD), employers in the county of San Mateo directly affected by the explosion and fire may request up to a 60-day extension of time from EDD to file their State payroll reports and/or deposit State payroll...
Kern County Employers May Request 60-Day Extension
According to the California Employment Development Department (EDD), employers in the county of Kern directly affected by the fires may request up to a 60-day extension of time from EDD to file their State payroll reports and/or deposit State payroll taxes without...
Kern County Employers May Request 60-Day Extension
According to the California Employment Development Department (EDD), employers in the county of Kern directly affected by the fires may request up to a 60-day extension of time from EDD to file their State payroll reports and/or deposit State payroll taxes without...
California Increases Tax Withholding Rates
As part of the recently-enacted California Assembly Bill No. 17, signed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on July 29, 2009, the withholding rates will increase effective for wages paid after October 31, 2009. The wage withholding tables will be adjusted so that the...
California Exempts Certain Computer Professionals from Overtime Pay
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed AB 10 into law recently. The new law, signed as an urgency statute, took effect immediately upon the signing by the governor. Under the law, certain computer software professionals who make $36 or more per hour, if paid hourly or...
New California Law Clarifies Temporary Agency Wage Payment Frequency
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger recently signed into law SB 940 which clarifies when temporary agencies must pay their employees. Under the law employees of temporary agencies must generally be paid on a weekly basis. If the temporary employees are assigned...
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