The Massachusetts Department of Revenue (DOR) has released Technical Information Release (TIR) 11-5, Employer-Provided Health Care Benefits Update. This TIR updates TIR 07-16, Personal Income Tax Treatment of Employer-Provided Health Insurance Coverage for an...
California Now Conforms To Federal Treatment on Income Taxes on Health Insurance for Certain Adult Children
California Assembly Bill (AB) 36 was signed by Governor Jerry Brown on April 7, 2011. This bill brings California into conformity with the Federal government regarding the Health Care Acts of 2010 for state income tax purposes. Change Is Retroactive To 2010 AB 36 now...
California Clarifies Tax Treatment of Health Care Coverage of Adult Children
The California Employment Development Department (EDD) has released a clarification to the original guidance provided on the tax treatment of health care coverage extended to adult children. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Requires Extension up to Age 26...
Question of the Week: Why Don’t My Massachusetts Wages Equal My Federal Wages on My W-2?
This week’s question comes from Jordan, a company controller. For most employees in our company, the Massachusetts wages reported on the Form W-2 equal the federal wages on the Form W-2. My Massachusetts wages, however, are higher than my federal wages. Why don’t my...
Impact of the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit on Deductions for Health Insurance Premiums
The new health reform law gives a tax credit to certain small employers that provide health care coverage to their employees, effective with tax years beginning in 2010. Over several weeks, Vision Payroll will be providing further information on the Small Business...
Question of the Week: Are Health Insurance Costs Required To Be Reported on Form W-2?
This week’s question comes from Beverly, a small-business owner. We pay health insurance costs for our employees. I heard there was a change in reporting health insurance costs under the new law. Are health insurance costs required to be reported on Form W-2? Answer:...
Question of the Week: What Information Do We Need to Keep to Document the COBRA Credit?
This week’s question comes from Sandy, an HR manager. We’ve just had our first employee sign up to receive the COBRA premium subsidy. What information do we need to keep to document the COBRA credit? Answer: Employers reimbursing employees for 65% of the eligible...
Tax Treatment of Health Coverage for Former Spouse Clarified
The Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended (IRC) provides in §106 for an exclusion from income for employer-provided health insurance that covers the employee, the employee’s spouse, the employee’s children, and the employee’s qualifying relatives. Prop. Treas. Reg....
Question of the Week: How Does the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Change COBRA Continuation Health Coverage?
This week’s question comes from Doug, head of HR. I heard that the new tax law will impact employees eligible for COBRA. How does the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (the Act) change COBRA continuation health coverage? Answer: Under the Consolidated...
IRS Issues Fact Sheet on S Corporation Officer Compensation
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently issued Fact Sheet FS-2008-25, which discusses S corporation officer compensation. Corporate officers, whether in S corporations or C corporations, are generally considered employees of the corporation. Officers who perform...
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