The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Revenue has released a working draft of TIR 09-1, Individual Mandate Penalties for Tax Year 2009, which would provide the penalties in 2009 for adults without health insurance. Under the working draft, adults with annual family household incomes of 150% of the Federal Poverty Level or less are not subject to any penalty. Adults with annual family household incomes of more than 150% but not more than 200% of the Federal Poverty Level are subject to a penalty of $17 per month for each month of non-compliance. Adults with annual family household incomes of more than 200% but not more than 250% of the Federal Poverty Level are subject to a penalty of $35 per month for each month of non-compliance. Adults with annual family household incomes of more than 250% but not more than 300% of the Federal Poverty Level are subject to a penalty of $52 per month for each month of non-compliance. Adults aged 18-26 with annual family household incomes of more than 300% of the Federal Poverty Level are subject to a penalty of $52 per month for each month of non-compliance. Adults aged 27 and older with annual family household incomes of more than 300% of the Federal Poverty Level are subject to a penalty of $89 per month for each month of non-compliance. The TIR provides the annual income standards for the Federal Poverty Level by family size. Qualifying coverage is defined as enrollment “in health insurance policies that meet minimum creditable coverage standards adopted by the Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority.” Written comments for the working draft are due by January 23, 2009. Contact Vision Payroll if you have any questions on TIR 09-1 or need a referral to a licensed benefits broker.
December 22, 2008
Penalties Proposed for Adults without Health Insurance
Filed under: News
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