Vision Payroll is proud to announce the availability of our updated file transfer site. Here employers, employees, vendors, and third-parties can upload and download files from a secure site without the security risks associated with e-mail. And since many e-mail providers place limits as low as 10 MB on file transfers, larger files are often blocked. At the Vision Payroll file transfer site, files up to 2 GB can be uploaded or downloaded without worry. If Vision Payroll has a file for you to download, an e-mail will be sent to you to notify you that the file is ready. To upload a file to us, simply go to our file transfer site and select “Upload a file without logging in” or sign in with your user name and password. We protect your files with multiple levels of leading edge security. The data center is protected from intrusion by sophisticated security systems. Layers of security devices, software, and data encryption protect the network and servers. On the web, where your files travel, protection takes the form of the highest form of SSL data encryption. Logins are encrypted and passwords are not stored in a cookie on your browser. Cookies that store marketing or tracking information are NOT used on this site. Contact Vision Payroll today with questions on our updated file transfer site.
March 17, 2009
Vision Payroll Announces Release of Updated File Transfer Site
Filed under: News
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