The US Department of Labor (DOL) recently announced a $3 million National Emergency Grant to create temporary jobs for eligible dislocated workers to assist with cleanup and recovery efforts after severe storms and tornadoes struck the central and western areas of Massachusetts on June 1, 2011.
Grant to Help Repair Public Buildings and Schools
“By creating jobs, today’s grant will help repair the many public buildings and schools that sustained damage as a result of the severe weather,” said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis. “I am pleased that the Labor Department can assist Massachusetts residents as they recover from the storms and rebuild their communities.”
Grant Awarded To State Agency
The grant was awarded to the Massachusetts Department of Workforce Development.
Hampden County Is Eligible for Public Assistance
On June 15, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) declared Hampden County eligible for FEMA’s Public Assistance Program. Worcester County has been declared eligible for Individual Assistance, but not for Public Assistance at this time. Additional counties may be included under the grant if FEMA determines such inclusion is warranted.
National Emergency Grants Are Part of Discretionary Fund
National Emergency Grants are part of the secretary of labor’s discretionary fund and are awarded based on a state or commonwealth’s ability to meet specific guidelines.