March 17, 2020
COVID-19 Update
Filed under: News
Vision Payroll

Following recommendations of the CDC and other government agencies, we are trying to minimize personal interaction with others. At this time, we are strongly recommending that all payrolls be delivered by the Post Office, UPS, or electronically for the duration of the crisis. This would minimize the risk of passing the virus among our employees, our customers, and our vendors.

Travel Restrictions May Soon Apply

Additionally, there is a very strong possibility that travel may become restricted at some point or that all but a very few businesses will be required to close to the public. As a payroll company, we are generally exempt from such restrictions, but you may be limited in your ability to travel to pick up payroll.

Submit  Early to Help Ensure Timely Delivery

Also, to help ensure timely delivery, please submit your payroll as early as possible, preferably by Monday.

Thank you for Your Understanding During the COVID-19 (coronavirus) Pandemic

We realize this may be inconvenient, but out of an abundance of caution we believe it is the most prudent course to follow. Please call (978)840-1635 or email to arrange delivery of your payroll.


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