Employers are increasingly receiving requests for time off for employees to attend to their children’s school activities. It’s important to learn how state laws, company policies, and business needs impact such requests and how the leave is granted. Which employers are impacted? What rules apply to such requests? What limitations should be considered?
Learn the answers to these questions and much more in this month’s HRCast, a recording provided by our team of HR Pros and available exclusively on MyHRSupportCenter.
You’ll learn how laws such as the Small Necessities Leave Act in Massachusetts and the Family School Partnership Act in California impact employers and how multi-state employers should be aware of the different requirements in such diverse states as Louisiana, Minnesota, Nevada, and Vermont, all of which have recently enacted changes in this area.
Visit MyHRSupportCenter regularly not only for our HRCasts, but also to get late-breaking compliance alerts, best practices to implement, and HR tools to use every day. If you’re not yet signed up or would like a free trial of MyHRSupportCenter, contact Vision Payroll today.