November 25, 2011
Question of the Week: What Are the Credit Reduction States for 2011?
Filed under: News
Vision Payroll

What Are the Credit Reduction States for 2011?This week’s question comes from Victoria, a corporate controller.

Victoria asks:

I read that California is going to be a credit reduction state for 2011, but heard that they be more credit reduction states. What are the credit reduction states for 2011?

Answer: The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has released a list of credit reduction states for 2011. There are a total of twenty states and one territory.

Standard Credit Rates Is 5.4% for 2011

Generally, employers who pay their state unemployment tax by the due date for filing Form 940, Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return, receive a credit 5.4% against their Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) tax. This credit is claimed on Form 940. Federal law provides for a reduction in the FUTA tax credit when a state has outstanding federal loans for two years. The credit reduction is calculated on Schedule A of Form 940.

Michigan Is a 0.9% Credit Reduction States

Since this is Michigan’s third consecutive year as a credit reduction state, the credit reduction for Michigan is 0.9% for 2011.

Indiana Is a 0.6% Credit Reduction States

Since this is Indiana’s second consecutive year as a credit reduction state, the credit reduction for Indiana is 0.6% for 2011. South Carolina, which was a first-year state for 2010, has paid off its loans and is not a credit reduction state for 2011.

Eighteen New Credit Reduction States for 2011

There are eighteen new credit reduction states for 2011. These states will have a credit reduction of 0.3% for 2011. The states are Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, New Jersey, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Additionally, the US Virgin Islands also has a credit reduction of 0.3%.

Contact Vision Payroll Today

For more information on the credit reduction states in 2011, be sure to contact Vision Payroll today.


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