The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently released a revised version of Form 941-X, Adjusted Employer's QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return or Claim for Refund. COBRA Premium Assistance Credit May Only Be Claimed on Form 941-X For tax periods beginning after 2013,...
Question of the Week: What Is the Additional Medicare Tax?
This week’s question comes from Savannah, a corporate controller. Savannah asks: Some of our employees are asking us about the Additional Medicare Tax and when we will start withholding it. What is the Additional Medicare Tax? Answer: The Additional Medicare Tax was...
IRS Releases 2011 Form 944
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has released the 2011 Form 944, Employer’s ANNUAL Federal Tax Return, and related instructions. Form 944 is designed so the smallest employers (those whose annual liability for social security, Medicare, and withheld federal income...
2010 Form W-2 Tips, Part 7, Box 6 Medicare Tax Withheld
This is one in a continuing series on the 2010 Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, which employers must generally furnish to employees no later than January 31, 2011. Forms mailed on the due date are considered furnished if properly addressed. Employers unable to meet...
2010 Form W-2 Tips, Part 6, Box 5 Medicare Wages and Tips
This is one in a continuing series on the 2010 Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, which employers must generally furnish to employees no later than January 31, 2011. Forms mailed on the due date are considered furnished if properly addressed. Employers unable to meet...
Tip of the Week: IRS Releases 2010 Form 944
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has released the 2010 Form 944, Employer’s ANNUAL Federal Tax Return, and related instructions. Form 944 is designed so the smallest employers (those whose annual liability for social security, Medicare, and withheld federal income...
Impact of the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit on Employment Tax Payments
The new health reform law gives a tax credit to certain small employers that provide health care coverage to their employees, effective with tax years beginning in 2010. Over several weeks, Vision Payroll will be providing further information on the Small Business...
Tip of the Week: IRS Releases Updated Form 8846
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently released an information sheet attached to 2009 Form 8846, Credit for Employer Social Security and Medicare Taxes Paid on Certain Employee Tips. The note on the information sheet relates to employers that have claimed payroll...
Tip of the Week: Jobs Bill to Provide Tax Relief to Employers
HR 2847, An Act making appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, and Science, and Related Agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2010, and for other purposes, was passed by Congress and sent to President Barack Obama who indicated he will...
IRS To Honor Medical Resident FICA Refund Claims
In IR-2010-025, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced that it “has made an administrative determination to accept the position that medical residents are excepted from FICA taxes based on the student exception for tax periods ending before April 1, 2005, when...
2009 Form W-2 Tips, Part 7, Box 6 Medicare Tax Withheld
This is one in a continuing series on the 2009 Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, which employers must generally furnish to employees no later than February 1, 2010. Forms mailed on the due date are considered furnished if properly addressed. Employers unable to meet...
2009 Form W-2 Tips, Part 6, Box 5 Medicare Wages and Tips
This is one in a continuing series on the 2009 Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, which employers must generally furnish to employees no later than February 1, 2010. Forms mailed on the due date are considered furnished if properly addressed. Employers unable to meet...
IRS Rules Distributions from Tip Jars Are Tips, Not Wages
In the recently released Chief Counsel Advice (CCA) 200929004, the Internal Revenue Service ruled that money distributed from a company’s tip jar should be considered tips, not wages. The company requires that all its retail locations maintain a tip jar to collect...
Question of the Week: Is a Non-student Holding a J-1 Visa Exempt from FICA Tax Withholding?
This week’s question comes from Norma, an HR manager. I know that students with J-1 visas are exempt from FICA tax withholding in certain circumstances. We hired a non-student with a J-1 visa. Is a non-student holding a J-1 visa exempt from FICA tax withholding?...
Question of the Week: Is a Student Holding a J-1 Visa Exempt from FICA Tax Withholding?
This week’s question comes from Ron, a payroll department manager. We have a student who works for us who holds a J-1 Visa. He says that he should not have FICA tax withheld. Is a student holding a J-1 visa exempt from FICA tax withholding? Answer: Non-resident aliens...
Question of the Week: Do FUTA Taxes Apply to Children of Sole Proprietor Who Are Age 18 or Older?
This week’s question comes from Debbie, a sole proprietor. I read that children under age 18 are not subject to federal employment taxes. My children are now in college and work part-time year-round. I know they are now subject to FICA taxes. Do FUTA taxes apply to...
IRS Rules Discounts Offered to Employees Are Taxable Income
In the recently released Chief Counsel Advice (CCA) 200923029, the Internal Revenue Service ruled that discounts provided to an employer’s employees who purchase or lease property from a company that formerly owned the employer are taxable as fringe benefits based on...
Question of the Week: Does a Sole Proprietor Have to Pay Payroll Taxes on Children’s Wages?
This week’s question comes from Brad, a sole proprietor. My 16-year-old daughter will be out of school soon and I’d like to hire her for the summer in my sole proprietorship. Does a sole proprietor have to pay payroll taxes on children’s wages? Answer: Sole...
Question of the Week: How Do Students Claim Exemption from Income Tax Withholding?
This week’s question comes from Will, a restaurant owner. We’ve hired several students to work for us this summer. Most of them don’t expect to owe any income tax this year. How do students claim exemption from income tax withholding? Answer: Students or others who...
Question of the Week: At What Age Does Social Security Withholding Stop?
This week’s question comes from Elizabeth, a small-business owner. We just hired a part-time employee who is seventy years old. He’s already collecting social security benefits so I’m not sure if I should still withhold it from his wages. At what age does social...
Question of the Week: Can You Tell Me More about Statutory Employees?
This week’s question comes from Carolyn, a business owner. I read recently about statutory employees and would like to find out if some of our new hires would qualify as statutory employees. Can you tell me more about statutory employees? Answer: Common law considers...
2008 Form W-2 Tips, Part 7, Box 6 Medicare Tax Withheld
This is one in a continuing series on the 2008 Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, which employers must generally furnish to employees no later than February 2, 2009. Forms mailed on the due date are considered furnished if properly addressed. Employers unable to meet...
2008 Form W-2 Tips, Part 6, Box 5 Medicare Wages and Tips
This is one in a continuing series on the 2008 Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, which employers must generally furnish to employees no later than February 2, 2009. Forms mailed on the due date are considered furnished if properly addressed. Employers unable to meet...
IRS Issues Fact Sheet on S Corporation Officer Compensation
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently issued Fact Sheet FS-2008-25, which discusses S corporation officer compensation. Corporate officers, whether in S corporations or C corporations, are generally considered employees of the corporation. Officers who perform...
Prison Time for Under the Table Wage Payments
A North Dartmouth, Massachusetts woman was sentenced to 6½ years in federal prison for paying her employees under the table, thereby avoiding approximately $10 million in tax payments and $7 million in workers compensation insurance premiums. Aimee J. King McElroy...
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