March 25, 2011
Question of the Week: What Is the Impact of New ADA Accessibility Regulations?
Filed under: News
Vision Payroll

What Is the Impact of New ADA Accessibility Regulations?This week’s question comes from Colton, an HR manager. I know that the new ADA regulations took effect recently. What is the impact of new ADA accessibility regulations? Answer: Effective March 15, 2011, the US Department of Justice’s Final Rule revised and expanded the regulations regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Amended Regulations Adopt New Standards

The amended regulations adopt the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design, which implement new accessibility guidelines for government facilities and commercial places of public accommodation.

Appendices Include Analysis and Responses To Comments

The revised regulations amend the Department’s title II regulation, 28 CFR Part 35, and the title III regulation, 28 CFR Part 36. Appendix A to each regulation includes a section-by-section analysis of the rule and responses to public comments on the proposed rule. Appendix B to the title III regulation discusses major changes in the ADA Standards for Accessible Design and responds to public comments received on the proposed rules.

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Contact Vision Payroll if you have further questions on the new ADA accessibility regulations.


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