The federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits certain employers from discriminating against individuals with disabilities. The ADA also requires employers to engage in an interactive process of assessing reasonable accommodations with affected employees....
Question of the Week: What Is the Impact of Final ADAAA Regulations?
This week’s question comes from Frank, a company controller. I heard that the EEOC published its final regulations concerning the ADAAA. What is the impact of the final ADAAA regulations? Answer: The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued final...
Tip of the Week: Determining Reasonable Accommodations
Employers must know how to provide reasonable accommodations under the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), and state laws they may be even more protective of workers’ rights. What are the recent changes in how...
Tip of the Week: Resolve to Get Up-to-date on Top 2009 Employment Law Topics
This New Year’s you may have resolved to lose more weight, spend more time with family, or be nicer to your payroll service. Hopefully, you haven’t broken all those resolutions yet. It’s not too late to make some work-related resolutions you can stick to. High on that...
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