According to the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), in 2009, more than 93,000 workplace discrimination charges were filed nationwide, the second highest level ever.
Race and Sex Charges Remain Most Common Charges
Race and sex charges were the most commonly filed charges, representing a combined two-thirds of all charges.
National Origin, Religion, Retaliation, and Disability Claims All Increase
For 2009, claims of discrimination based on national origin, religion, retaliation, and disability were all the highest ever recorded. Though age discrimination claims eased slightly, they were still at the second-highest level in EEOC history.
Important Questions on EEO Training
How important is training and what is the impact of internet-based training? What should your employee handbook say about equal employment opportunity (EEO)? What is the impact of Plan/Prevent/Protect?
What Can You Do to Prevent Violation of the Discrimination Laws?
To pick up tips and tools to help minimize and shield your business against claims of workplace discrimination and harassment, be sure to listen to Defending Your Business with EEO Training in this month’s HRCast, a recording provided by our team of HR Pros and available exclusively on MyHRSupportCenter.
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