Iowa to Require Child Support Payments by EFT

The Iowa Department of Human Services has amended Chapter 97, “Collection Services Center,” Iowa Administrative Code to require submission of child support payments by means of electronic funds transfer (EFT) no later than June 30, 2015, unless an exemption applies....

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Iowa Increases Unemployment Rates and Wage Base for 2011

Iowa Workforce Development has announced that the 2011 unemployment rates will be based on Table 3; 2010 rates are based on Table 4. This move to higher rates is required to maintain the solvency of the Trust Fund used to provide unemployment benefits. Director...

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Iowa Increases Unemployment Rates and Wage Base for 2010

Iowa Workforce Development has announced that the 2010 unemployment rates will be based on Table 4; 2009 rates are based on Table 6. This move to higher rates is required to maintain the solvency of the Trust Fund used to provide unemployment benefits. According to...

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Iowa Unemployment Rates Will Not Change for 2009

Iowa Workforce Development, the state agency that oversees unemployment insurance announced unchanged rates for 2009. It will be the sixth consecutive year without an increase. Director Elisabeth Buck noted, “The State of Iowa has our commitment to carefully manage...

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