Iowa Workforce Development has announced that the 2012 unemployment rates will be based on Table 4; 2011 rates are based on Table 3. As a result, employers will see approximately $96 million in tax savings and the average rate will fall from 2.8% in 2011 to 2.4% in...
Question of the Week: How Is Our Massachusetts DUA Experience Rate Determined?
This week’s question comes from Josh, a company owner. We’re paying more in state unemployment tax this year than we have in the past. Even though we didn’t lay anyone off, our DUA experience rate increased from last year. How is our Massachusetts DUA experience rate...
Connecticut Imposes Special Assessment on Employers
In Connecticut, the average number of workers filing for Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits since 2007 has grown from 40,000 to approximately 130,000. In 2009 and 2010, UI benefit payouts greatly exceeded UI tax revenues. In 2011, UI benefit payouts will continue to...
Question of the Week: What Is a Taxable Wage Base?
This week’s question comes from April, an office manager. I’ve read that the taxable wage base has increased in New Hampshire for 2011, but I’m not sure of the impact. What is a taxable wage base? Answer: The taxable wage base is the amount of income that will be...
Massachusetts Freezes Unemployment Tax Rate Schedule for 2011
Governor Deval Patrick recently signed legislation that will provide immediate relief to Massachusetts’ businesses by freezing employer contributions to the Unemployment Insurance (UI) Trust Fund at current levels. This new law prevents a scheduled rate hike from...
Iowa Increases Unemployment Rates and Wage Base for 2011
Iowa Workforce Development has announced that the 2011 unemployment rates will be based on Table 3; 2010 rates are based on Table 4. This move to higher rates is required to maintain the solvency of the Trust Fund used to provide unemployment benefits. Director...
Massachusetts Freezes Unemployment Tax Rate Schedule
Under recently enacted legislation, contribution rates for Massachusetts employers will remain at Schedule E for 2010. Based on the low level of reserves in the fund, previous law would have required an automatic shift to Schedule G. Contact Vision Payroll if you have...
Iowa Increases Unemployment Rates and Wage Base for 2010
Iowa Workforce Development has announced that the 2010 unemployment rates will be based on Table 4; 2009 rates are based on Table 6. This move to higher rates is required to maintain the solvency of the Trust Fund used to provide unemployment benefits. According to...
Question of the Week: Why Did My Payroll Cost Increase?
This week’s question comes from Rachel, a business owner. I have been running payroll with almost the exact same hours every week for the last few months. In the last few weeks, the payroll cost was several thousand dollars more each week than a month ago. Why did my...
Question of the Week: Should I Make A Voluntary SUTA Payment?
This week’s question comes from Rick, a corporate controller. We received a notification from our state unemployment agency that we may want to make a voluntary payment toward SUTA. Should we make a voluntary additional payment? Answer: For employers that are in...
Question of the Week: Why Did My State Unemployment Rate Change?
This week’s question comes from Rob, a business owner. I paid all my federal and state unemployment taxes and didn’t lay anyone off. Why is my unemployment rate going up? Answer: Generally, your state unemployment rate is determined by the ratio of your account...
Question of the Week: Can I Pay My Husband Through Payroll?
This week’s question comes from Denise, a sole proprietor. I just hired my husband to work for me in my business. I’m a sole proprietor. Can I pay my husband through payroll? Answer: If your husband (or wife) is a bona fide employee of you in your trade or business,...
Iowa Unemployment Rates Will Not Change for 2009
Iowa Workforce Development, the state agency that oversees unemployment insurance announced unchanged rates for 2009. It will be the sixth consecutive year without an increase. Director Elisabeth Buck noted, “The State of Iowa has our commitment to carefully manage...
State Agency Links
Links to State Unemployment Tax Agencies Alabama (334) 242-8830 Alaska (888) 448-3527 Arizona (602) 771-6601 Arkansas (501) 682-3798 California (888) 745-3886...
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