NJ Lowers Unemployment Tax Rates for 2012 Rate Year

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie recently signed into law A-3819 (S-2730), which reduces the unemployment tax rates that employers would have otherwise had to pay during the 2012 rate year (July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012). The rates will increase, however, from...

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Question of the Week: What is Place of Residence?

This week’s question comes from Bonnie, a business owner. We tested our multi-state employees for unemployment purposes based on Localization of Services, Base of Operations, and Place of Direction or Control. For some employees we were able to determine the...

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Question of the Week: What is Base of Operations?

This week’s question comes from Angela, an office manager. We tested our multi-state employees for unemployment purposes based on Localization of Services. For some employees we were able to determine the appropriate state, but for some we weren’t. Now we need to test...

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Question of the Week: What is Localization of Services?

This week’s question comes from Matthew, a business owner. I read that we need to cover employees for unemployment purposes based on “Localization of Services”. What is Localization of Services? Answer: The general rule for employees who work in more than one state is...

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NJ Governor Signs Law Reducing Employer Rates for 2011

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie recently signed into law S-1813, which reduces the unemployment tax rates that employers would have otherwise had to pay during the 2011 rate year (July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011). During the 2010 rate year (July 1, 2009 through...

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Unemployment Benefits Not Fully Taxable in 2009

Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), the first $2,400 of unemployment benefits received by a taxpayer during 2009 are not subject to federal income tax. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently released IR-2009-29, First $2,400 of...

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Idaho Unemployment Wage Base Increases to $33,200

Roger B. Madsen, Director of the Idaho Department of Labor announced recently that the 2009 unemployment wage will increase from $32,200 to $33,200. In addition, tax rates (including the workforce rate) will range from 0.447% to 5.4% and the standard rate will be...

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Illinois Unemployment Wage Base to Increase to $12,300

Maureen T. O’Donnell, Director of the State of Illinois Department of Employment Security announced recently that the 2009 unemployment wage base has increased from $12,000 to $12,300. O’Donnell, appointed by Governor Rod R. Blagojevich in August, had served as Acting...

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Minnesota Increases Taxable Wage Base for 2009

On or before June 30 of each year the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development must calculate an amount equal to sixty percent of Minnesota's average annual wage, rounded to the nearest $1,000. This amount is the taxable wage...

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State Agency Links

Links to State Unemployment Tax Agencies   Alabama (334) 242-8830 www.dir.alabama.gov Alaska (888) 448-3527 www.labor.state.ak.us Arizona (602) 771-6601 www.azdes.gov/esa/uitax/uithome.asp Arkansas (501) 682-3798 www.state.ar.us/esd California (888) 745-3886...

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